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A Time of Darkness

A Time of Darkness

Bat – Seasons of the Witch – Samhain Oracle

Welcome to the Card of the Week for Monday the 3rd of February where the energy of the animal that is the Bat flies forward from the Seasons of the Witch – Samhain Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz. The message from Bat on the card is: ‘Invoke thy power and fear not the hidden; what lurks is coming with undenying change.

It would appear that a time of change is coming our way, and it is not something that is to be taken lightly. There is potential that this will be a time of darkness in which we will either be blindsided by what is to come, or we will be kept in the dark to the point where we will have to rely on our instincts and intuition to make it through. Much like a bat using echo-location to detect its surroundings, we will need to put out feelers in order to figure out what lies ahead of us. 

Much like the many bats that fly out of the cave for their nightly flights, we are not alone in this matter. Indeed, there is the chance for relationships to grow stronger, as shown in the 2025 Year Ahead Reading for February. In line with this, the truth of whatever this time of darkness may be, what will be revealed is just who is willing to stand by us during the time ahead.

Even if we were to find ourselves alone following the big reveal, one thing that is for certain, and that is by delving into our sub-conscious, we can find the strength to face that which is before us. Through this strength and by taking the best steps forward, the time of darkness can be walked through without your light being dimmed. So, much like the bat that soars through the night sky, it is time for us to find our way through the dark and make the best of what life sends our way.

To bring this all together, whether it is a solo journey, or a journey with others like that of a cloud of bats, we need to use our instincts and trust our own judgement as we go forward. But we also need to be cautious in this, for the night is always darkest right before the dawn and even with our instincts at play, we may not always see what lies before us.You can book a reading with me utilising the Seasons of the Witch – Samhain Oracle for further guidance on the journey here.

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