This Card of the Week highlights the need to utilise incense to remove the smoke and mirrors in life.
All Progress Is Good Progress

Divine Magic – Reversed – Angels & Aura Oracle
Welcome to the Card of the Week for Monday the 29th July 2024 through which some insight comes from a reversed Divine Magic Card from the Angels & Auras Oracle by Radleigh Valentine and Dougall Fraser. A unique aspect of such a message is that, when upright the card speaks of big things whilst the reversed speaks of the small things in life. Even so, the small things in life all add up to a form of progress towards a goal.
As the wishing well in the card has been upended, it has spilled its contents everywhere revealing the hopes, dreams, wishes, goals and more. The problem is that the well has been overturned before the contents could reach their state of fulfillment meaning that the flow we have been seeking as of late has become a trickle of sorts.
This is so, even though we have been finding obstacles and blocks being released since the previous Card of the Week. Even though some may look upon this analysis as somewhat pessimistic, it is an honest and seemingly accurate viewpoint given the situation at hand. It does open the doors to the question of: ‘If all progress is good progress, then how is it so in this instance?’
In short, the best, and seemingly only thing we can do, is focus on the little things that bring us joy. The smile of a stranger in the street, the coin found on the pavement as you are walking, the cat purring as you give it a pat, and the wagging tail of a dog as you show it affection. All of these little things which bring us joy will build up and get the flow happening outside of the wishing well of which will lead to us moving forward in one way or another.
To bring this all together, little steps forward are key at this time even though a lot of progress seems to be slow and stagnant. Think of the little things you can do to continue working towards your goal. It might be time to make a list of the good things you seek to achieve and tick them off as you complete them. In doing so, you find success in even the smallest of tasks as all progress, is indeed, good progress.
You can book a reading with me utilising the Angels & Auras Oracle for further guidance on the journey here.
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