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An Alignment with Time

An Alignment with Time

Perfect Timing – Angels Answers Oracle

Welcome to the Card of the Week for Monday the 18th of November 2024 where we have the card Perfect Timing coming forth from the Angels Answers Oracle by Radleigh Valentine. A card like this indicates that the answer to the question you have been asking as of late is here and that now is the time to get the results you seek. But is timing really everything?

We look at time as a ticking (or beeping) clock that we seem to follow in an instinctual manner to which we run our lives to. We go to work at a certain time, we eat at a certain time, we travel at a certain time, almost everyone does something at a certain time. So why is timing so seemingly essential in our world? The answer, funnily enough, isn’t time as a concept itself at all. Rather, it is about alignment. 

When things align, flow seems to happen in a wondrous way. If you have a doctor’s appointment, you align yourself as best you can to be there by a certain point in time and, in making it there by that agreed meeting point, alignment is achieved, and the desired outcome is reached. In this instance, it is not about a sense of perfect timing but is about alignment. 

So perhaps the answer to your prayers or questions is about things aligning in such a way where things appear to arrive at the perfect time. Afterall, what could be more perfect as far as things arriving just when you need them?

To bring this all together, there is a need to trust the flow when it happens as it happens as the alignment of timing brings many great things into place. Of course, sometimes alignment does not bring us what we always want, but it might just bring us what we need.

You can book a reading with me utilising the Angels Answers Oracle for further guidance on the journey here.

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