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Do Work And Be Well Paid For It

Do Work and Be Well Paid For It

Eight Of Disks – Necronomicon Tarot

Welcome to the Card of the Week for Monday the 9th of September 2024 where the Eight of Disks creeps forward from the depths of the Necronomicon Tarot by Donald Tyson. Representing aspects of life like craftsmanship, attentiveness, and employment, such a card as this, which is aligned to the traditional Eight of Pentacles, indicates that there is work to be done and dividends will be paid for what is done.

As the man stands before the body, he has a Hand of Glory glowing bright to show what is truly before him. A Hand of Glory is the left hand of a man who was hanged for murder that was severed and utilised as a candle which is said to ‘cause those who gazed upon it to freeze in their tracks’. In essence, he has stopped time to do his work and see that which is before him without interruption.

When you complete work, in any way, shape, or form, be it through self-employment, volunteering, or mainstream employment, there is always an energy return in one form or another. This is how the Universe works as it is a basic and primal thing that is like breathing – energy goes out, energy comes in. You put energy out through action or completion of work, energy comes back in in the form of money, goods, or services. This is a fundamental aspect of the very flow of the universe itself.

Unfortunately, there are times where some people – or even disincarnate entities – pour a lot of their energy into making sure that you do not get that which you are truly worth. Why they do this is quite often beyond comprehension. Unless, of course, they are skimming the cream that is and getting something out of it. This is not a reference to the taxes you pay as such, for that is a different situation all together, this is more referring to those who knowingly take that which is theirs and not what they have earned or are deserving. So what can be done about it?

Much like the man in the card, you need to get to the guts of what is going on for you in the work that you do and figure out who – or what – is taking an unfair cut of your hard-earned energy intake. To do this, however, quite often requires that you face the nastiness that you more often than not don’t want to know about. After all, the devil is indeed in the details, of which can be revealed through looking at things through the eyes of the thieves that are stealing away your energy.

To bring this all together, though you may not like to see the world as others see it, it may well be essential that you start to do so. In doing this, you can start to not only take back that which is rightly yours as you have earned through your hard work, but also figure out how to stop others from taking that which is rightfully yours.

You can book a reading with me utilising the Necronomicon Tarot for further guidance on the journey here.

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