This Card of the Week highlights the need to utilise incense to remove the smoke and mirrors in life.
Generosity Leads to More

Six of Autumn – Kiwi – Animal Tarot
Welcome to the Card of the Week for Monday the 7th of October 2024 where the Kiwi shuffles forward in the Six of Autumn card from the Animal Tarot by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. While this card indicated good tidings, debts being cleared, and generosity leading to more, this is one of the rare times in my years of reading the cards in that, this one’s appearance, simply does not make any sense to me at all.
To go by the direct meaning of the card, the Six of Autumn is tied in to the Six of Pentacles. Such a card has a traditional meaning of having more than enough to the point where all of your needs are taken care of to the point where you can help others and still be well off. This then leads into the charity side of things where having opportunities to give leads to more income which means there is more to give. At least that’s the theory.
The whole thing about this card not making sense to me comes about from the message that signifies platitudes galore with the old promise of ‘the more you give, the more you receive’ coming into play. To me this is a false promise of sorts used by people who are wanting to con someone out of their hard-earned money.
Indeed, the energy coming from this card highlights something that is more akin to winning the lottery to be more well off with the phrase being ‘you have to be in it, to win it’. As someone who has entered the lottery for a bit of fun every now and then, I can say that, from my experience, you lose far more than you gain.
However, if this card were to make a liar out of me and flip everything I am getting around on its head, there may well be something great coming in financially that will enable many to be well off and support those around them. Of course, however, like all financial matters, what I am offering here is speculative at best and of course is no guarantee given the many, many, many factors at play regarding money and finances.
To bring this all together, generosity may lead to more in theory, but this is seldom proven from any perspective of anyone who has tried it. Yes, there is the overall ideals behind affirmations and new age thought that gratitude brings about more for you to be grateful for, but in this instance, it is not guaranteed. Yet, we all shall see what happens in the next week or two. Maybe the Kiwi will have ferreted out a secret stash that was not there before that will lead to many being better off than before.
You can book a reading with me utilising the Animal Tarot for further guidance on the journey here.
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