This Card of the Week highlights the ideas of a new beginning or a fresh start in an area of life to perchance a dream.
Is There Something More in Store?
Divine Magic – Upright – Angels & Auras Oracle
Welcome to the Card of the Week for Monday the 4th of November 2024 where the same card that appeared back on the 29th of July 2024 comes forth with a key difference – it has become upright. The Divine Magic card from the Angels & Auras Oracle by Radleigh Valentine and Dougall Fraser in the upright position shows the wishing well granting big wishes with ease in wondrous ways which leaves me wondering if there is something more in store?
To say that life works in mysterious ways would be the understatement of the century. I don’t quite understand how it is that certain things have come to pass. Of course, to look upon the previous Card of the Week where rapid changes were happening, it is clear that such a message has rung true. To provide a bit of context, a work I submitted to a publisher was rejected during the last week. This will not stop me from continuing the work of course and, while many would see this as a setback, I actually see this as quite a liberating experience in a strange way.
What has been made clear to me, particularly with this Divine Magic card is that there is something more in store for my work and it is far bigger than I could have imagined. Perhaps it is a case for many out there where, a seemingly major setback in life may well have a silver lining that will soon be made clear. It is with this silver lining that we can craft ourselves a wish in the form of a silver coin of which we can then throw into the wishing well that is before us so that magic may happen in many wondrous ways.
As we cast this coin into the waters of manifestation, it is best we turn our backs on what has been and move forward knowing that our wish is being granted. All the while knowing that, as we move forward, guidance and instinct shall guide us towards that which will help us be open to that which we are seeking.
To bring this all together, it would appear that there is definitely more in store if we choose to open up shop – so to speak – and bring in the energy we seek. So cast the coin into the well and bring about that which you seek while taking the twists and turns that appear in life with ease.
You can book a reading with me utilising the Angels & Auras Oracle for further guidance on the journey here.
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