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I am welcoming to all who wish to embark on a journey of illumination through divination with Spiritual Healing & Guidance Sessions to help you make positive choices today. As a Hay House Certified Card reader and ordained Healing Minister, I utilise over a decade of experiences and skills to help you make the choices that will benefit your soul’s growth and journey.

Together we can explore the energy of tarot or oracle cards and see what they hold for you with the power of choice with blessings divine to guide us.

All Spiritual Healing & Guidance appointments are made with me so you can rest assured that you are in good hands. Your appointment takes place from the comfort of your own home via Zoom; or, over the phone Australia wide.

You can learn more about what each of these sessions entail as well as my Code of Practice, how to prepare for your consultation session and my favourite card spread by using the plus sign toggles below.

I am committed to offering you the best experience through my products and services. My services are a variety of unique Spiritual Healing Sessions offered by myself as an ordained Healing Minister to help you. In addition to being ordained and committed to service, I have years of study and experience in specialised fields which I draw upon. These years of experience echo around a central ethos and Code of Practice which I pride ourselves on upholding.

This includes that no service shall be offered one on one to anyone under the age of eighteen. Services may be offered to those younger with a parent or legal guardian present and are recommended to be conducted face to face. Sessions cannot be for or about a third person not present, such as asking for information in an Oracle or Tarot Reading about a friend, family member or other person.

Services are not offered to a client found to be under the influence of mind-altering substances including, but not limited to, alcohol, THC, MDMA, LSD and others too. Please check with me if you are on prescribed medications that are mind altering in nature such as anti-psychotics and vapes before booking your session.

If you are found to be under the influence, or if I believe you are, your session will be terminated immediately, and no refund shall be offered.  If you are honest and let me know you have had something prior to your session, I will rebook you when you are ready to be fully aware and present for our time together.

The reason for these guidelines regarding substances are that they do affect your energy and how you respond to emotional information. I have found that Oracle and Tarot Readings can highlight difficult issues at times and heightened emotions lead to a more difficult session for you. With regards to Healing, substances can misalign your connection to God-Source and blur the lines of the Grey making it difficult to help you illuminate the way.

Sessions are conducted face to face in a private room and I do try and limit each visit to one client booking at a time so I can focus on you. This also prevents you bumping into someone you may not want to see and maintains confidentiality. You are welcome to bring a friend, family member or support person with you on your visit.

Whether you are having a session face to face or over the telephone, I pride myself on being courteous, respectful, and inclusive of all. I will not use threatening language, swear words or such during our time together to maintain a level of respect and harmony with you. I will also not have physical contact with you during your session except for the placement of crystals, helping you with mobility or in an emergency.

Indeed, all are welcome, and I shall treat you the way I would like to be treated with love to guide our way. I hope you enjoy your time with me and thank you for choosing me to assist you on the journey of life.

Any of these spiritual healing and guidance consultation sessions are a sacred event that can be anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour in length depending on the session chosen. Like any sacred event, these are to be treated with the respect they deserve.

Ways to do this are:

Have your question or questions ready prior to the session.
Writing them down can help if need be. Doing so can allow you and I to focus on the matters at hand and prevents confusion for yourself during the session. Asking the question during a tarot or oracle reading such as: ‘What do the cards say for me at this time?’ is a valid one, but it can be almost too broad a question and can limit the information coming forward. You can ask a topic-based question such as ‘What does my love life have in store?’ or ‘What does my current job at (workplace) have in store for me?’ Having your questions about the spiritual topic for topical channellings ready will help as well, but these need to be aligned with the session and not for general guidance about personal matters.

Allowing at least ten minutes at the start of the session to prepare yourself.
You can do this by ensuring that you will be undisturbed for the duration of the session. Making sure that doors are closed, phones are put on silent and that family members know that you will be unavailable during this time are all ways to do this.

Being ready to make the phone call or accept the Zoom call.
Around five minutes before the start of your session have your phone or zoom compatible computer or another device at the ready. This ensures that I can dedicate the time to you and not run late for other clients who may have sessions after you.

Allowing five minutes at the end of the session.
I will generally allow five minutes at the end of the session to answer any clarifying questions and to make sure that you are satisfied with the session. Use this time wisely as I will most likely have another client after you to prepare for. This is also the time to organise the possibility of a second session if required.

Being respectful before, during and after the session.
This means no harsh language, no abuse, no yelling, and no profanity. I will treat you with respect as outlined in my Code of Practice and it is understood that you will do the same. Should you be unsatisfied with the session and wish to ask for a refund, please do so in a calm manner. The choice to provide a refund is at my discretion and the decision is to be respected.

During meditation one day I received a card spread that has become my go to for not only myself but for my many clients who have gained wonderful insight from this particular reading style.

The positions of the cards relate to the Path of Life with Divine and Human influence as well as the Elements in a Pentacle formation. Once a question has been asked, we begin with the Present and together we reflect on the past before looking into a possible outcome based upon your choice in the now. From there we look at how the Divine can help you and how you can Empower yourself too along with releasing any obstacles that may well be in your way at this time.

The Elements then come forth with Earth representing grounding and abundance; Air revealing what you need to learn; Fire showing that which you need to let go of or stoke the fires of; Water allowing the flow of emotion and what influences that has; and Spirit ties everything together as it does being the building block of life.

This card spread has become my go to for all readings, both tarot and oracle as I find it gives some wonderful insights to the question at hand no matter what the question is. It is also able to provide some wonderful and concise information in the time set aside for each reading.

If this sounds like a reading style that suits what you are looking for in life, you can book a reading with me so that we may explore what help is out there for you.

To choose an Oracle Reading is to choose a method of guidance of which can provide a lot of information about the topic at hand in quite a broad sense.

An Oracle Reading is a form of guidance that works with cards that rely on the words and images on the cards along with the energy that is coming forth from the guides of the person receiving the guidance. Such a reading as this is somewhat free flowing and there is a lot of connecting one card to another to create the bigger picture at hand.

The cards used in an Oracle Reading are as many and varied as those who have created each deck. It is best that the deck chosen for each reading be based upon how highly it resonates for the person seeking guidance.

To choose a Tarot Reading is to choose a method of guidance that can provide some in depth information about the topic at hand in a bit more of a direct sense.

A Tarot Reading is a form of guidance that works with cards that rely on a centuries old divinatory system of which has a set structure that has been honed for centuries. The placement of the cards and the meanings of them is very key as it leads to the information that is needed.

The cards used in a Tarot Reading can vary in design but still have the same meaning no matter the theme. It is best to choose a deck that suits the individual seeking guidance as some of the themes can be confronting while others can be gentle and comforting.

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