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The Power of a Flower

The Power of a Flower

Flower Power – Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle

Welcome to the Card of the Week for Monday the 13th of January where the card Flower comes forth from the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle by Doreen Virtue. A card such as this highlights the need to bring the wondrous energy of flowers into your life.

Flowers have a healing frequency that can affect us on many levels through body, mind, and soul. From a body perspective, the essential oils used in aromatherapy can help with healing various ailments. Mentally the scent of flowers can evoke various emotions and the release of emotional blocks. Soul wise, flowers can help with healing the energy field through the energy they give off as well as through Flower Essences.

To experience the wondrous healing power of the flowers, you can do something as simple as wandering through a garden – allowing the energy of the flowers to fill your energy field. You may also choose to do some gardening of your own to bring the flowers into your home life. Another way is to have some freshly cut flowers in your home or space so the energy can fill the space with ease.

The same can be done utilising essential oils in a diffuser to disperse the oils around a space so that the vibrational mist formed can help all who enter said space. Others can benefit from the energy of flowers too by having a bouquet or arrangement sent to them for various occasions or as a ‘Thinking of You’ gift.

To bring this all together, allowing the energy of flowers to enter your life and space is sure to help bring balance to Body, Mind, and Soul. Along with the flowers come the all-important fairies to help on many different levels as well, so being open to their presence is advantageous too.

You can book a reading with me utilising the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle for further guidance on the journey here.

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