This Card of the Week highlights the need to find the beauty in the darkness of life no matter what happens.
Time to Retreat and Heal Yourself

Hilarion – Divine Healing – Keepers of the Light Oracle
Welcome to the Card of the Week for Monday the 27th of January where the Ascended Master, Hilarion, comes forth from the Keepers of the Light Oracle by Kyle Gray with the concept of Divine Healing. Hilarion comes forth with the intention of helping us understand that there is nothing wrong with taking time for ourselves so that we may heal, no matter how other people may react to such a decision.
Something of incredible importance that many do not see the possibility of, let alone act on, is the need to retreat and take time to recharge. A lot of people give a lot to others and, while this is a beautiful thing, they tend to end up neglecting themselves. Or should they have given to so many others, they are seen as selfish and greedy for wanting to finally acknowledge their own needs.
This was especially the case for Hilarion during his final lifetime as a human who had an incredible healing ability that he used to help many. Unfortunately, when it came time for him to recharge his own energy, many got so angry with him because they saw him as being selfish and suddenly refusing to help. As a result of this, he retreated to a cave in the desert and became a hermit, far from the hordes of people who, though in need of help, drained him considerably and added nothing to his own journey.
Perhaps you are experiencing this in your own life at this time and you are in need of retreating to rebuild your own energy. Sure, it may not need be as drastic as disappearing into the wilderness, but certainly taking some time for you where you can is in order. Maybe going for a walk, taking a short holiday, or even having a spa day is sure to leave you feeling just a little bit recharged.
To bring this all together, despite what other people may think of you when you retreat to and focus on healing yourself, it is definitely an essential thing to be done in order to make sure that you are taken care of. Such situations can be described as a cup that has become so full that it has begun to overflow and spill over into other areas of life. By taking time to retreat and heal yourself, you can handle what comes your way just that little bit easier.You can book a reading with me utilising the Keepers of the Light Oracle for further guidance on the journey here.
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