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To Perchance a Dream

To Perchance a Dream

The Dreamer – Angel Wisdom Tarot

Welcome to the Card of the Week for Monday the 20th of January where the Dreamer, traditionally known as The Fool, comes forward from the Angel Wisdom Tarot by Radleigh Valentine. A card like this highlights the ideas of a new beginning or a fresh start in an area of life that may not have been previously considered and to perchance a dream.

To take a chance and to dream the impossible dream is something that many choose not to partake in given the risks involved in such a venture. Yet, in this instance, there is a great chance that fortune will favour the bold should they take a chance on that which they are seeking in life. Of course, this will not be without sacrifice in one form or another.

Much like the young man shown in the card who has stepped from one state of being to the next, such a message for this week is one of letting go of the old life to embrace the new – or, in some cases, bring with you what is necessary. This is where the dog, as a companion to the young man, represents such a journey of bringing along what is needed for the new adventure, or simply, next leg of the journey.

To bring this all together, it is time to take a chance and a leap of faith by stepping through the door that is before you and following that dream. Journal about the dream. Work out the practicalities of it. Look into what is needed. Do all of these things and, most importantly, don’t give up on it. In following this dream, you may well find yourself in a more wondrous place than you could have ever imagined being in.

You can book a reading with me utilising the Angel Wisdom Tarot for further guidance on the journey here.

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