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What’s the Vibe for 2025?

What’s the Vibe for 2025

2025 Year Ahead Reading – Egyptian Tarot

Welcome to the 2025 Year Ahead Reading with the Egyptian Tarot as we look into the possibilities ahead and answer the question: ‘what’s the vibe for 2025?’

January – Two of Chalices
Entering into the month of January, we see the Two of Chalices, also known as the Two of Cups, come forth with the energy of renewing contracts, re-establishing or affirming relationships, and loving the self being of great importance. Such contracts can be as simple as the good old New Year’s Resolutions or as complex as financial contracts for a loan of some description. Some friendships and relationships may have either waned or even reignited in the last few months of 2024, but now is a time of resurgence for these as they come into play once more. All of these things and more ties into the act of self-love and knowing your own self-worth for the year ahead.

February – Seven of Chalices
Heading into the month of February, we see the Seven of Chalices, also known as the Seven of Cups, enter the arena with the energy of long-lasting relationships, solid connections, and a sense of stability in general. These relationships mentioned are either those that formed back in 2024 or in January and they have the potential to become long standing if they are allowed to grow. Connections of a professional and personal nature too have the chance to become solid with stability being reflected throughout other areas of life. Of course, with this being the month of love and Valentine’s Day being a major day, there is a chance for any relationship to grow and become deeper than before.

March – Five of Chalices
Venturing into the month of March, the Five of Chalices, also knowns as the Five of Cups, brings in a need for keeping safe, changes for the better, and coming to understand the natural order of things. Turbulent times are here with the potential for great storms – both literal and metaphorical – where there is a definite need to try and weather the storm by keeping yourself safe through it.  Of course, so of the things brought about by this storm, or storms, is the changes that come into play as either the old is cleared away or shared hardship grows connections between people. In turn, an understanding of how things are meant to be can come about in attaining a sense of order amongst the potential chaos of life. 

April – Temperance
Making its way into the month of April, Temperance brings in the energy of finding a balance in priorities, learning to adapt, as well as the chance of great healing. The storms from the previous month have left a bit to be cleaned up and various priorities in life will become aligned. From relationships to the homelife to work, all of these will fall into their natural places. Of course, as things shift and fall into place, a need to adapt to these changes will arise, though this may not be as easy as one might thing. Naturally though, there is a chance for great healing in both the emotional and physical sense depending on the situation at hand. All that need to be done is to be open to the great healing changes available in this month.

May – Eight of Chalices
Going into the month of May, the Eight of Chalices, also known as the Eight of Cups, where the energy flows towards that of illusions of grandeur, plans not panning out, and unusual ideas. This energy is one that is unique to this month and does not attain any influence from the one before. Seeing oneself above their station in life can be a great way to motivate, but it can also lead to a down fall if they begin to believe the illusion that is being cast through false hope. Of course, this leads to plans not going the way they were originally laid out and can cause a fair amount of distress. In this state of distress, necessity truly does become the mother of all invention given that the most unusual of ideas may just be the solution to the problem at hand through this month.

June – Knave of Pentacles
Stepping into the month of June, the Knave of Pentacles, also known as the Page of Pentacles, has the energy of new ideas, the potential for study, and news becoming apparent. New ideas are needed, and these may well follow on from May as unusual ones may well have just been temporary fixes. Of course, there is a need to learn from what has and what hasn’t worked, so this could be that of learning from the past or even formal study depending on what is needed. From all of this, news of a particular event in life is going to be glaringly apparent to the point where it cannot be ignored – be it good or bad news.

July – The Magician
Entering into the month of July, The Magician appears to herald in the energy of new projects, a need for diplomacy, and initiative. The potential for new projects is in play as things start to take a different turn from the previous month where the news has either cleared away the old or opened up new avenues for potential projects. Of course, in navigating through this month, there will be a need for diplomacy in order to achieve what s desired in a seemingly amicable manner. The initiative that is utilised through diplomacy and the new projects will prove invaluable should it all go well through the coming months.

August – Knight of Chalices
Heading into the month of August, we have the Knight of Chalices, also known as the Knight of Cups, galloping forward with gifts of opportunity, proposals to help anyone get ahead in life, and possible intimate connections. Such gifts of opportunity shall arrive through chance encounters and seemingly random occurrences that encourage the process of taking the next step forward in life. The same can be said for the proposals and offers that come in – even by chance. As for the intimate connections, these can be chance encounters with potential lovers or even people who become close friends in time.

September – Knight of Pentacles
Venturing into the month of September, the Knight of Pentacles trots forth with the energy of a helpful person, a financial consultant, and a business person. The helpful person is sure to help with taking the next step as indicated in the previous month. A financial consultant can help with getting finances in order that have come in due to the work of the previous months. Lastly, the idea of a business person appearing could be an indicator for an investor or and investment being made into the projects at hand.

October – Four of Swords
Making its way into the month of October is the Four of Swords comes forth with the energy of isolation, withdrawing from life, and seeking solitude. Isolation, either chosen or imposed, may well become a key part of this month given that there may well be a need for time alone to formulate what the previous months have led to. The idea of withdrawing from life is similar to the isolation by choice, but in this instance, it focuses more on withdrawing for a time from certain aspects of life – work, family, or friends. Of course, this ties into seeking solitude from everyone and everything. Looks like this month has the potential to be a lonely one for many.

November – Five of Pentacles
Going into the month of November, the Five of Pentacles comes forward with the energy of obstacles, money being spent unnecessarily, and problems with material possessions. Running into block after block and all other issues that come from this are going to make themselves quite apparent in the month of November. A lot of these will lead to money being spent in areas that are most likely unwise and seemingly frivolous. Then of course comes the issues of the material possessions that we seek not being available to us due to unwise spending or obstacles in general.

December – Seven of Swords
Stepping into the month of December, the Seven of Swords enters the arena with the energy of heeding a warning, receiving important advice, and a mysterious force keeping us all safe. The end of the year comes with a warning it would seem to heed the lessons that have been presented throughout the year and to not repeat them again in the next. Then comes some important, borderline sagely advice through which illuminates how the following year may well proceed. To finish the year off, though things may not go as we would have liked them to, there is a definite protective force that will help us keep going as we shake off the dust and journey forward into the next year.

It would seem that it is going to be a rollercoaster of a year – full of ups and downs and twists and turns. In the end however, things will work out as well as they seem to always do. But as to what is set in concrete for what the future holds, it is up to us to decide what we put in the mix before it is poured and set. After all, we all have choice in life through which we can all choose our own vibe for 2025.

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